Something to think about

Are you happy with your life?
Are you content?
Or just comfortable?

If you’re happy, that’s awesome.
If you’re content , you’re on your way to happy.
If you’re just comfortable, well, that’s just a waste.

Let that sink in a minute.

Don’t waste your life on comfort. Savor it with pure happiness.

The Light in the Dark

Have you ever heard that quote that goes something like,
“Why be the sun to brighten the day,
When you can be the moon to light the way.”?
I know that’s not how it goes but you get my gist.

That’s me. I would rather lighten someones darkest hour then brighten their day just a little more.

I would rather see the light in someone then depend on someone else’s version of the other person.

Call me a fool, or naive but people show us what they want us to see. Whether it’s a front or a version of themselves they like more.

I try to see through the mask. See who they are on the inside. Isn’t it so much better when you discover a side to someone no one else gets the privilege of seeing?

The soft side, the genuine side, and the side that admits they put the mask on to deal with life?

I admit, I’ve let others opinions of someone cloud the way I see them, but no more. It’s not fair to that someone or to me.

I would rather see the light they keep buried under the dark.

Just like sometimes I enjoy the dark in the light.

Just like the moon that lightens my path in the darkest hour, I want to shine the light I have to see into someones darkest parts.

“If you truly wish to see something you must contemplate its shadow.”

Because the moon loved the sun so much, she died every night to let him live.

You Have a Purpose

So what if you aren’t someone’s cup of tea? You are someones shot of whiskey.

You were put here on this Earth for a purpose. Have you found it? If you know what you want to do and it shouts at you and makes your heart sing, DO IT. Don’t let anyone stand in your way. Your life, your rules.

Follow the path that makes you strive to be a better person. It won’t be easy and it won’t be smooth sailing. It will be worth it in the end. It will be hard and sometimes you’ll stumble back to the path you just left and that’s ok. All that matters is you don’t dwell there to long and you get back on the path that will make your soul soar.

Have you ever just wanted to scream out in disbelief? Drown in uncertainty? All of these things are normal. As long as you always take the courageous leap forward and don’t get half through the courage and fall back into cowardice.

Life is meant to be lived. And loved. Not watched and wished for. You can find your purpose. You just have to be brave enough to listen to your heart when it tells you, “This is it.”


What I’ve learned

In the darkness of your heart your inner goddess is wanting to be free.

She tells you that you ARE beautiful, that you can do anything you set your mind to. She is your biggest supporter and biggest fan. She is YOU.

So many people in life will try to bring you down. But your biggest fan is the one pushing you to get up just one more time.

She’s the one that smacks that unhealthy treat out of your proverbial hand and tells you to grab an orange.

She’s the one that says just five more squats when you think your legs and ass could possibly collapse under the pressure.

Just one more block she whispers when you are on a jog and your lungs feel like exploding.

She is in all of us. Waiting for us to finally say, “I need you now to surface and to help me.”

You might know her by a hundred different names. Athena, Aphrodite, or Diana. She doesn’t care what you call her as long as you call her from within first.

Tap into your ancient well of understanding and love and she will be there. Your biggest fan and supporter. She will do for you what you can’t do on your own.

Pull yourself up and dust off your armor. No matter what you are good enough. She knows this. Do you?


I hope in 2016 you;

Follow your heart.
Get caught up in something fierce.
Accept change.
Love yourself FIRST.
Play with fire.
Laugh rediculously.
Enjoy the ride.
Lose yourself in the moment.
Love unconditionally.
Make time for what you hold dear.

Life is to short and we are not immortal. Take back your life, be free, and live and love in the now. Forgive, but don’t forget.

Don’t live your life on the outside looking in. Don’t wonder, be the wonder.

You are passionate enough, and you are creative enough to live your life on your terms.